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Shared Party Wall Agreement

A shared party wall agreement (SPWA) is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of two parties who share a common wall or structure. It is commonly used in situations where two adjacent properties share a wall and one party wants to make alterations or repairs to the wall.

The agreement ensures that both parties are protected during the construction or repair process and that any potential damage to either property is addressed. It also lays out guidelines for the maintenance of the shared wall, including who is responsible for repairs, maintenance, and upkeep.

SPWAs are most commonly used in urban areas where properties are built close together, and the maintenance of the shared wall is crucial to maintaining both properties` structural integrity. They are also used in situations where one party wants to build an extension or carry out other modifications to their property that may affect the shared wall.

The agreement typically includes a detailed description of the shared wall, including its dimensions, materials, and current state of repair. It will also contain a schedule of the work to be carried out and any specific requirements for the construction process.

It is important to note that both parties must agree to the terms of the shared party wall agreement before any work can commence. This ensures that both parties fully understand their responsibilities and that any disputes can be resolved quickly and amicably.

If you are considering carrying out work on a shared party wall, it is important to seek legal advice and ensure that you have a well-drafted SPWA in place. This will not only protect your rights but also ensure that the work is carried out safely and with minimal disruption to both parties.

In conclusion, a shared party wall agreement is a necessary step when carrying out construction or repair work on a shared wall. It is essential to ensure that both parties are protected and that any potential disputes are resolved quickly and effectively. So, make sure you have a well-drafted SPWA in place before you start any construction work.

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