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Us Poland Social Security Agreement

The United States and Poland have recently signed a social security agreement that aims to improve the coordination of pension benefits for workers in both countries. This agreement will provide immense relief to the workers in the United States who have worked in Poland and vice versa.

The agreement between the two countries will help to eliminate dual social security contributions by workers by allowing them to credit their social security contributions in one country while working in the other. This means that workers will be able to receive retirement, disability, and survivor benefits from both countries, thereby avoiding any double taxation. This agreement also helps ensure that their hard-earned benefits are protected and recognized in both countries.

The agreement covers all the aspects of social security, including old-age pensions, disability pensions, survivor benefits, and family allowances. Moreover, it provides equal treatment for all workers, irrespective of their nationality or the country they work in.

The United States and Poland have been negotiating this agreement for years. The final agreement was signed on October 3, 2019, in Washington, D.C., by the US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher, and the Polish Ambassador to the United States Piotr Wilczek.

The agreement will provide enormous benefits to the workers of both countries. Polish workers who have spent some time working in the United States will be able to coordinate their US social security benefits with their Polish benefits, which will help to increase their overall income in retirement. Similarly, US workers who have worked in Poland will also be able to coordinate their Polish benefits with their US benefits.

This agreement is also a significant achievement for the United States and Poland, as it strengthens the bonds between both countries. The social security agreement serves as a testament to the two countries` commitment to work together towards mutual benefits.

In conclusion, the US-Poland social security agreement is a remarkable achievement for both countries, which will benefit their workers significantly. This agreement is an essential step towards creating a more supportive and interconnected world, where workers can receive the benefits they deserve.

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