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Nric Agreement

NRIC Agreement: What it is and Why it Matters

The National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) is a vital form of identification in Singapore and is used for various purposes, including voting, opening bank accounts, and accessing government services. In 2018, the government introduced the NRIC Agreement, which aims to protect the personal data of Singaporeans and residents.

What is the NRIC Agreement?

The NRIC Agreement is a set of guidelines released by the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) in Singapore. It outlines the proper handling of NRIC and other identification numbers, such as birth certificates and passport numbers. The agreement compels organizations not to collect, use or disclose the NRIC or other identification numbers unless they are legally required to do so or if necessary for verification purposes.

The NRIC Agreement also prohibits companies from making scanning or retaining of the NRIC cards a requirement for access or non-government services. For example, retailers cannot require customers to provide their NRIC for the issuance of membership cards. Organizations are also required to develop policies and procedures to ensure proper handling of identification numbers, including the safe disposal of records that contain such personal data.

Why does it Matter?

The NRIC Agreement was instituted to encourage the proper handling of personal data and prevent security breaches, identity theft, and fraud. The agreement seeks to promote responsible data practices by companies handling NRIC and other identification numbers.

Some companies, especially those in the financial, healthcare, and government sectors, may have legitimate reasons for collecting NRIC information. However, the NRIC Agreement seeks to restrict excessive and unnecessary collection and use of such personal data. Companies must obtain consent before collecting sensitive data, and individuals have the right to access their personal data and ask that any inaccuracies be corrected.

The NRIC Agreement also has significant implications for companies` data management processes. Companies must update their data management policies to include provisions for safely and securely storing NRIC information and other identification numbers. Failure to comply with the NRIC Agreement can result in hefty fines and reputational damage.


The NRIC Agreement underscores the importance of responsible data management and protection of personal data. Companies must adhere to the agreement`s guidelines to ensure proper handling of NRIC information and other identification numbers. By doing so, companies can promote trust and confidence in their data management practices, protect their customers` personal data, and avoid legal and reputational risks.

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