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Atlassian Software Licence Agreement

Atlassian Software Licence Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Atlassian is a widely used software company that offers a range of software products to millions of users across the globe. Whether you`re looking for project management software or collaboration tools, Atlassian has a solution for you.

However, if you`re planning to purchase or use any of these software products, it is crucial that you understand the Atlassian Software License Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions that you must agree to before using their software.

In this guide, we`ll take a closer look at the Atlassian Software License Agreement and what you need to know to ensure compliance.

What is the Atlassian Software License Agreement?

The Atlassian Software License Agreement is a legal document that defines the terms and conditions under which Atlassian offers its software products to businesses and individual users. This agreement outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties and covers important aspects such as usage, maintenance, upgrades, and support.

The agreement is applicable to all software products offered by Atlassian, including Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, and other tools. The terms may vary depending on the specific software product and its licensing model, such as server or cloud.

What are the different types of Atlassian Software Licenses?

Atlassian offers a variety of software licenses to meet the needs of different businesses and users. The license type determines the usage rights, support access, and pricing for the Atlassian software products.

Here are the most common licenses offered by Atlassian:

1. Server License

A server license is a traditional software license that allows businesses to host Atlassian software products on their servers. The license is perpetual, meaning there is no expiration date, but it requires annual maintenance and support fees.

The server license is suitable for businesses that prefer to have full control of their software environment and want to maintain their own server infrastructure.

2. Data Center License

A data center license is similar to the server license but is designed for large-scale enterprise deployments. It enables businesses to scale their Atlassian software products across multiple servers and data centers for high availability, performance, and disaster recovery.

The data center license requires an annual subscription fee and provides access to dedicated support and resources.

3. Cloud License

A cloud license is a subscription-based license that grants businesses access to Atlassian software products hosted on Atlassian`s servers. The license provides automatic updates and support, with no need to manage server infrastructure.

The cloud license is suitable for businesses that want to simplify their IT operations and reduce maintenance costs.

What are the important terms and conditions of the Atlassian Software License Agreement?

The Atlassian Software License Agreement covers a range of terms and conditions that businesses must comply with when using Atlassian software products. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Usage Restrictions

The agreement defines how businesses can use the software products and sets usage restrictions. For example, users may not reverse engineer or modify the software or use it to develop competing products.

2. Maintenance and Support

The agreement defines the maintenance and support obligations of both Atlassian and the user. Atlassian provides support through its online support portal, and users may have access to Atlassian`s bug-fixing services and software updates.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The agreement defines the intellectual property rights of Atlassian and the user and provides guidelines for how businesses can use and protect these rights.

4. Termination

The agreement outlines the conditions under which Atlassian may terminate the license and how users can terminate the agreement. Termination may occur in cases of breach of contract or non-payment of fees.

5. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

The agreement includes a disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability that govern Atlassian`s liability in case of software failures, system interruptions, security breaches, and other issues.

Final Words

The Atlassian Software License Agreement is an important legal document that businesses must understand when using Atlassian software products. By reading and complying with the terms and conditions of the agreement, businesses can ensure that they are using the software products legally and avoid legal disputes.

If you`re unsure about any of the terms or conditions of the Atlassian Software License Agreement, it`s best to seek legal advice or contact Atlassian support for clarification. Remember, compliance with the Atlassian Software License Agreement is essential for keeping your business operations running smoothly.

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