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7 Letter Word for Disagreement

When it comes to expressing a difference of opinion or a disagreement, there are many words and phrases we can use. However, if you`re looking for a seven-letter word to describe a disagreement, there are a few options to consider.

1. Discord

Discord is a noun that refers to a lack of harmony or agreement. When people have discord, they are not on the same page and may argue or have conflicting opinions.

2. Dispute

Another seven-letter word for disagreement is dispute. A dispute is a disagreement or argument over something, often related to a legal or financial matter. It can also refer to a verbal exchange in which people disagree.

3. Dissent

Dissent is a noun that refers to a disagreement or opposition to an idea, policy, or decision. When people express dissent, they are expressing a different point of view and often advocating for change.

4. Conflict

Conflict is a noun that can describe a disagreement, clash, or struggle between two or more parties. It can refer to anything from a minor disagreement to a full-blown war. In some cases, conflict can be resolved peacefully, but in other cases, it can escalate into more serious issues.

5. Disunity

Disunity is a noun that refers to a lack of unity or agreement among people. When there is disunity, people cannot work together effectively, and progress may be hindered.

6. Diverge

Although not a noun, the verb “diverge” can also be used to describe a disagreement or difference of opinion. When people diverge, they go in different directions or have differing opinions on a matter.

7. Contrary

Finally, the word “contrary” can also be used to describe a disagreement. When something is contrary to what someone else believes or thinks, there is a disagreement or difference of opinion.

In conclusion, if you`re searching for a seven-letter word for disagreement, there are several options to choose from. Whether you`re looking for a noun or a verb, these seven-letter words can be used to describe any situation where people have conflicting opinions or ideas. So, next time you find yourself in a disagreement, try using one of these words to express your thoughts.

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